Enable Infrastructure Begin Crown Commercial Service Framework for the NHS
Enable Infrastructure Begin Crown Commercial Service Framework for the NHS
19 January 2021
Enable Infrastructure (formerly known as BCM Construction) can announce the award of the design, installation and commission package of works at Milton Keynes University Hospital for the NHS. This award has come through the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), Lot 1.2 (South England and Wales) – Civil Engineering Works and Minor Associated Building Works and Services
The Crown Commercial Service Framework enables public sector organisations and their arm’s-length bodies to access all types of building and civil engineering works.
The flexible contract structure is designed to provide solutions for varying customer requirements. It includes advanced, innovative contract arrangements, allowing customers to procure programmes of work as self-managed sub-alliances.
The framework is arranged in 11 lots of varying levels of complexity and value of work from £0 – £3m up to £80m+. This includes general construction and specialist market areas
CCS supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
In 2019/20, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth more than £1bn – supporting world-class public services that offer the best value for taxpayers.
The package is for the Upgrade of the HV Supplies and one standby local Generator in the existing substations SS5-6 which will give the hospital a more robust electrical supply with less chance of power failures to critical hospital equipment.
This work is going to be executed by the Enable Power Systems (formerly known BCM Power Systems) team who provides a full scope of innovative power engineering solutions ranging from LV to HV (132Kv). Combining extensive levels of competence with decades of experience, the Power Systems team have completed works for DNO suppliers and delivered major rail power systems across the UK.
This installation will include phased decommissioning and upgrade of two existing 500 kVA transformers to two new 1250kVA transformers and 1 existing 350 kVA generator to a 1250kVA generator and fuel polishing system serving LV5.
New HV and LV cabling will be installed between the new equipment as required. Civil works will also be required to enlarge the footprint of the existing substation to take one of the new Transformers and new cable duct routes.
In the early design stages, it was found that the existing LV Switchboard which in the scope is not being upgraded cannot take the fault ratings of the new Transformers, so we are in discussion with the client to get an agreed working solution in the most cost-effective and practical way.
Picture 1 is the area we are going to extend the Substation into, Picture 2 is the existing old Generator that is being replaced.